Offer & E-Signature Templates
For faster executive sign off, a quick and easy candidate experience and a full timeline of documentation, use custom e-signable documents. Learn to upload templates using placeholders so you can fill in key details accurately when it’s time to hire. Easily design approval workflows to get stakeholders involved in the offer process. Send documents to candidates to be notified if a candidate has viewed your offer, signed or missed the acceptance deadline.
Package: Recruiting
Best for: Admins
Category: Level Up
Course time: 20+ Minutes
What's included?
Create and manage custom, e-signable templates
Build documents with your branding. Upload templates using placeholders so you can fill in key details accurately when it’s time to hire. Eliminate errors and get offers out quickly to get your new hire’s commitment and beat out the competition. -
Send offer details for approval
Easily design workflows to get stakeholders involved in the offer process. A chain of approvers can be sent the key details of an offer with the ability to approve or reject before it’s shared with the candidate. -
Get e-signatures anywhere
You’re notified every step of the way and can see if a candidate has viewed your offer, signed or missed the acceptance deadline. A copy of any signed document is automatically added to the candidate’s profile and they’ll receive their own copy as well.